Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bush's Library? What about Eisenhower?

So the fight over whether or not to have the Bush Presidential library at Southern Methodist University ranges on....NY Times article (snap shot:) "Opponents of the project, including current and retired bishops and faculty members hostile to President Bush over the Iraq war and social issues, say church rules require that an agreement be submitted to the 290 elected delegates of the church’s South Central Jurisdiction."

But what if the past proves anything about the future - it won't matter one bit where it is. I got the chance to role through the small town in Kansas where Eisenhower's library was. Total reaction = sad. Off the thruway exits, poor signage to get there - ugly abondoned parking lots. Actual library - hidden, neglected. I couldn't even tell if it was open. Should have stopped, but didn't. It may be a wonderful place, but it lacked curb appeal and cars in the visitors lot.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Classroom configuration...

Tomorrow is my first class at Fredonia and it is 35 high school students. We have an instruction room with 21 computers....moveable tables that seat two kids a table, but only one laptop. This is math at is finest!!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Blankies are official!

As a geek I always loved dictionaries. The Oxford English Dictionary does monthly revisions and new words. Check out what just made it in December.

Blankie n.

The lexical innovations of children are often so short-lived or idiosyncratic that they do not gain widespread currency outside a particular family. Blankie, however, a colloquialism for "blanket" formed by adding the suffix –ie to the first syllable, has stood the test of time. Written evidence shows over 80 years of English usage of the word, especially in North America, but it probably has a longer, unrecorded history in the language of the nursery.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I want to work for Google!

So, if I didn't love my job I would definetely consider Google. I just ran into their Google Privacy channel on YouTube. Great videos.

For those looking, here is a the Google employment page