Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Semester is Winding Down

There is only 3 weeks left until the end of the semester and the nine-monthers are off. (We have a mixed staff of 9 and 12 month contract). Therefore, all projects must come to a good conclusion - fast.

  • Set up my facebook account to join a FYE Librarian group, but then learned how to post an event on for my Madden Xbox Tournament.
  • Started a new relationship with the Journalism program on campus. Presented at their Journalism Bootcamp. (Got a nice T-Shirt!)
  • Weeding Reference with my collegue (Russian Dictionaries anyone?)
  • Just started serving as a Library Mentor for the McNairs Scholar program and have had two consultations already.
  • The publicity committee I chair is getting ready to archives the year in photos, work on storing that metadata, printing out the photos, exploring Flickr as a photo gallery option, putting together a graduating student worker thingy, and working with producers of CBC to get permission to do a library event around one of their shows.

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